bruh, the save system is just a pre made script, amazing game, i will see what will happen in the next chapters!
bruh, the save system is just a pre made script, amazing game, i will see what will happen in the next chapters!
Glad you figured things out :)
this game is the darksouls of plataforming and mental sanaty
for a 3 days game is good, but if will gonna have "more updates coming in the future", it was better do the updates first before publish the game in this stage.
By "more updates coming in the future" i mean bug fixes haha, ty for the review anyway
só tem 3 zumbis, 1 round, 1 lugar e munição infinita.
faça um gerador de pessoas aleatórias, assim quando o sistema criar um zumbi e clickar em cima dele, marca pontos, senão, tirar pontos (porque vai ser amigo). Assim fica menos previsivel de onde os zumbis vão vir.
Hmm... Obrigado pela sugestão amigo ;)
yes and twice, because i wanna know if something happens if i win geting all the coins. it don't
simple graphics, lack of mechanics and ideas.
a regular level of super mario maker
cool scratch project
i just get into the arcade, kill the aliens, then they simply stop respawning ant the game just don't keep going. i tryed 2 times and the second time i got 5750 points.
ok, i lose the game just to keep going the history, yeah, now i get it what i have done, oof
I could make the arcade game harder, but play testers said it was already difficult enough. Maybe I should add more waves for the better players? Or maybe add a cut off where it gets too difficult?
o jogo não tá prestando
Ok,vou ver se consigo ajeitar isso e valeu por ter falado isso :)
Cool game, with more itens and plataforms, it can be more interest, and even more if the map was random generated!
The only thing i fell pain is the controls, just put W and Up Arrow to Jump and LeftMouseClick to paint
Joined on 4/10/22