good, this game is hurting my hand
good, this game is hurting my hand
sick music can be made using randon button in the 3rd last audio (the screem creature thing idk)
yeah i wish i cud add a upload ur own song function to this. maybe i can in unity
big number, big fart
cute game, i guess i had see all the finals, is strange that the live can goes to negative and nothing happens
cool game, would be better if the highscore was added in newgrouns to see others highscore
i die everytime the sun start to shooting at me ;-; (HI:414)
Thanks for rating! I'm a bit new to all this so it would be fun to figure out how to add the high score to Newgrounds itself! Sorry about that difficulty spike but hopefully you had some fun!
my pc goes BRRRR
what i'm doing with my live?
have a good concept, but need more polishment.
i killed a enemy but even dead sometimes he keeps shooting at me; if restart holding some moviment button, will not gonna triger the clock, being possible to win a litle bit of time for a better score; i can clip my gun through walls and shoot from the other side whitout get detected; there is a random chance that the bulet will gona simply ignore the wall
Thanks for the feedback and bug reporting!
The enemies shooting while they're dead is actually an intended feature; a deathrattle of sorts where they empty their weapon in the direction they last saw you. Could definitely have better visual cues though, so thanks for bringing it up!
ELECTRUM EMPERIOR HERE, nice game, could have more features like a sell all button in eatch ore and abreviations in the vauler of the upgrades and my money, but the base of the game is very good
I guess my miners aren't even more human beins, they 1 hit to the pirates like ants, i guess they have a shotgun apllyed in they pickaxes. They are so powerfuls that my electrum is the who uses respirators next to theses creatures.
This monstrers have the status of 8.5/17/4/80/16 based on the upgrade overview.
If i had the hability to have more mines, would be verry interesting.
Joined on 4/10/22