
127 Game Reviews

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cool game

i don't have any opinion on the game because i can't pass 2 blocks hight to get into my room and i forgot how to crounch.

Doom have a strange set of buttons because he was the second game for pc to be 3 dimensional, but this, this don't have excuse to put shield and sword in SHIFT and CTRL from all the alfhabet and decimal buttons in the keyboard. Sad that i can't change that in the configurations.

Want to do something? Wait until you stay in the ground (exceptions for firearms). Even if this was to be part of the difficulty, why i have a shield if i can't block a attack that is so fast that i can't block mid air just to go ONE step up to defeat a enemy with a gun?

you died? sad, why you dont use the mouse (the only thing that isn't used during gameplay) to chose your option instead of chosing it already using the keyboard?

cool music

cool scratch game, why u don't send the project link? (i guess is a scratch game because of the download screen) {ok i found it rhino-boi-man}

it wasn't too hard to make at the end, if u put the exact moviments would be better.

Glitch: if u get the key and die, the key don't reset and the door will gonna still be open

Rhino-Slayer-Games responds:

I will add the link.
I realized the glitch with the key and death and left it as a secret feature.

ZabuJard Fernando da Silva Costas Santos! PORQUE O NOME DO MAPA É ESSE?!??!??

record: 267

i founded someone online (he is stuck at the stairs)

i can't get to the rainbow road ;-;

the veicle direction is inverted, he drives backwards hehe

ZabuJard responds:

the next track ill fix that so u start the right way!!

the carts get stuck everytime
funny phisics
add to go fast if press space mid air (like Kevin Kart Deluxe)
i'm cringed ;-;

i was a luck one to get the only softlock with almost all the coins, if wasn't this problem i would give 4 stars, this realy destroyed my gameplay.
Have a cool interaction system with the npc, funny lines, decent puzzles and interesting ways to find the coins.
The things i would change was add mora musics in respective themed areas and a litle more of graphics to understand the surroundings.

bruh, the save system is just a pre made script, amazing game, i will see what will happen in the next chapters!

adriendittrick responds:

Glad you figured things out :)

this game is the darksouls of plataforming and mental sanaty

AbortedKitten responds:

wel the original Toilethead is known to be really gei hard so yeah, wat do you expect!?



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